Life Groups

Our life groups are an important part of community together as a church family. Each week our groups meet to study the Bible and pray together. Our life group sessions usually follow a particular book of the Bible or commentary on a theme in the Bible. Recently we have studied through the book of Daniel, the gospel of Mark, and the Generosity Project.

Our life groups meet in homes across Guildford, Normandy, and Ash Vale. We also have an online Life Group. Our life groups meet on either a Tuesday or Thursday evening, depending on the group. We meet from 19:45 - 21:15 for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.

Occasionally we pause our life group meetings so that we can gather as a whole church for fellowship evenings or to hear missionary reports.

If you are interested in exploring a life group or would like to know a bit more of what's involved, please contact one of the Church Elders.

a group of people sitting around a wooden table
a group of people sitting around a wooden table