Our activities
The faithful preaching of the Word of God and the teaching of the truths set out in the doctrines mentioned in our beliefs.
The commemoration of the Lord’s death in the Breaking of Bread on the first day of the week in so far as circumstances allow.
The conducting of meetings for worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship under the guidance of the Holy Spirit with opportunity for the exercise in the church of all true gifts for edification subject to the Lordship of Christ.
The observance of the ordinance of Believer’s Baptism by immersion on personal confession of faith.
The welcoming/reception as members of the church of all believers known to be sound in faith and giving satisfactory evidence of being godly in life.
Regular Bible study through small home groups and a dedicated ladies Bible study group
Outreach to the locality.
Involvement in world mission.
We believe that each local church is composed of professed believers and is autonomous in government. It has as its model the New Testament practice of plurality of leaders equipped with appropriate spiritual gifts. As a body of believers, we practise the activities of a church as taught in the New Testament Scriptures: